„The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.“ – Unknown


Our mind carries so much power, we are not always aware of the effects it has on our physical world. Whether it be a mental issue or a physical one. Healing can happen as long as you are willing to do so. It all starts in the mind.


„What you think you become. What you imagine you attract. What you imagine you create.“ – Buddha


„They tried to bury her, not knowing she was a seed.“ – Mexican Proverb

Little did I know I was a seed. Going through dark times, almost losing myself and this life made me painfully realize what life is all about. Pain is part of growth but I don’t believe it has to be that hard.

Growing up I almost always felt overwhelmed by the emotions of others. I remember myself being confident, making new friends fast, not fighting unnecessary fights. I remember being love by my parents so much to a point where it got annoying. I remember a bright childhood with a lot of laughter, love and fun adventures.

I also remember dark sides. Dark sides in me that have always been there. I remember comparing myself to other humans from a very young age. In my mind I appeared too manly, too female, too wide, too big, too small, too skinny, too tall, to tiny, too loud, to ugly. All of this seemed to be negative emotions towards me, which I did not yet discovered. They were just thoughts I had.

Entering puberty is when life started to fall apart and those thoughts became my enemy. I started controlling my food from a very young age. Counting calories. Following meal plans. Exercising to burn calories. I had an ideal body image in my mind that I religiously tried to achieve. My dream job changed from being a ballerina to being a fashion model, accepted, loved and famous.

My garden of thoughts blossomed into dark, shriveled flowers, so many I couldn’t tend my garden fast enough. So I eventually stopped at all. Innocent calorie and fitness plans turned into obsessions that quickly ran out of my control. I found myself in desperate need to loose weight, not eating or eating way too less. When my body cried out for help, because it was literally starving to death extreme hunger stopped by and stayed for a little while. Binge eating and purging was the result of years of food control and obsession. My mental health was on the edge, so was my physical health.

I finally decided to heal. My soul finally was strong enough to cry out for help. I wanted to get myself back. If only I knew that the hard part only just begun. The journey of recovery took me to places I have never been before. Dark places that I thought I had healed or left behind. It took me to bright places I could finally revisit. Like coming home. To bright places I never even imagined.

Now, I am still on this journey. Learning, growing and healing. Till this day I have learned so much, I cannot put into words the deep gratitude I feel thinking about how far I have come. But I am also still learning, still growing and still healing. It is a never ending story that will only get better.

So, this place here shall be a place for education, learning and healing. I want us to learn together, to grow together and to share valuable information, so we can finally heal. Together we are strong.


„Health is not valued till sickness comes“ Thomas Fuller

Health is one of the single most important things in this life we are living. Whether it be physical or mental. The latter might be even more important than the first. Why? Because the mind can change DNA und that can change matter (Gregg Braden).

I think it is utterly interesting how the body and mind functions and apart from general believe and modern medicine, I do know with a unexplainable certainty that our mind and body are strongly connected and that we do in fact can change anything that doesn’t serve us.


Feel free to contact me anytime. I will make sure to answer all inquires and questions as fast as possible.

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@_healingsoul (Instagram)